- 113 -Kietz, Nicola: Musikverstehen und Sprachverstehen 
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 MPR 7 (Cadence)
 Strongly prefer a metrical structure in which cadences 
 are metrically stable; that is, strongly avoid violations 
 of local preference rules within cadences.

 MPR 8 (Suspension) *
 Strongly prefer a metrical structure in which a suspen-
 sion is on a stronger beat than ist resolution.

 MPR 9 (TimeSpan Interaction)
 Prefer a metrical analysis that minimizes conflict in 
 the time-span reduction.

 MPR 10 (Binary Regularity)
 Prefer metrical structures in which at each level every
 other beat is strong.

 Metrical Deletion
 Given a well-formed metrical structure M in which
 i. B1, B2, and B3 are adjacent beats of M at level Li,
  and B2 is also a beat at level Li+1,
 ii. T1 is the time-span from B1 to B2 and T2 is the
  time-span from B2 to B3, and
 iii. M is associated with an underlying grouping 
  structure G in such a way that both T1 and T2 are 
  related to a surface time-span T' by the grouping 
  transformation performed on G of
   (a) left elision or
   (b) overlap,
 then a well-formed metrical structure M' can be
 formed from M and associated with the surface 
 grouping structure by
 (a) deleting B1 and all beats at all levels between B1 
  and B2 and associating B2 with the onset of T', or
 (b) deleting B2 and all beats at all levels between B2
  and B3 and associating B1 with the onset of T'.

Time-Span Segmentation Rule 1
Reduction Every group in a piece is a time-span in the time-span 
 segmentation of the piece.

 Segmentation Rule 2
 In underlying grouping structure,
  a. each beat B of the smallest metrical level deter-
   mines a time-span TB, extending from B up to but 
   not including the next bar of the smallest level,
 b. each beat B of metrical level Li determines a 
   regular time-span TB, which is the union (or sum) 
   of the time-spans of all beats of level Li-l (the next 
   smaller level) from B up to but not including
   (i)  the next beat B' of level Li* or
   (ii) a group boundary,
   whichever comes sooner, and
 c. if a group boundary G intervenes between B and 
  the preceding beat of the same level, B 

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- 113 -Kietz, Nicola: Musikverstehen und Sprachverstehen