- 112 -Kietz, Nicola: Musikverstehen und Sprachverstehen 
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 (for left elision) e' = e2,
 (for right elision) e' = e1,
 all groups ending with e1 in G end with e' in G', and
 all groups beginning with e2 in G begin with e' in G'.

Metrical MWFR 1 (revised)
Structure Every attack point must be associated with a beat at
 the smallest metrical level present at that point in the

 MWFR 2 (revised)
 Every beat at a given level must also be a beat at all 
 smaller levels present at that point in the piece.

 MWFR 3 *
 At each metrical level, strong beats are spaced either
 two or three beats apart.

 MWFR 4 (revised) *
 The tactus and immediately larger metrical levels 
 must consist of beats equally spaced throughout the
 piece. At subtactus metrical levels, weak beats must 
 be equally spaced between the surrounding strong 

 MPR 1 (Parallelism)
 Where two or more groups or parts of groups can be
 construed as parallel, they preferably receive parallel
 metrical structure.

 MPR 2 (Strong Beat Early)
 Weakly prefer a metrical structure in which the 
 strongest beat in a group appears relatively early in
 the group.

 MPR 3 (Event)
 Prefer a metrical structure in which beats of level Li 
 that coincide with the inception of pitch-events are 
 strong beats of Li.

 MPR 4 (Stress)
 Prefer a metrical structure in which beats of level Li 
 that are stressed are strong beats of Li.

 MPR 5 (Length)
 Prefer a metrical structure in which a relatively strong
 beat occurs at the inception of either
 a.  a relatively long pitch-event,
 b. a relatively long duration of a dynamic,
 c.  a relatively long slur
 d. a relatively long pattern of articulation
 e.  a relatively long duration of a pitch in the relevant 
  levels of the time span reduction, or
 f.  a relatively long duration of a harmony in the 
  relevant levels of the time-span reduction (harmonic 

 MPR 6 (Bass)
 Prefer a metrically stable bass.

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- 112 -Kietz, Nicola: Musikverstehen und Sprachverstehen