- 412 -Enders, Bernd / Stange-Elbe, Joachim (Hrsg.): Global Village - Global Brain - Global Music 
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“P iM od12Step” ---> Limit(PiM od12,PiM od12)
 “P iM od12Set” ---> P ower(PiM od12)
 “P iM od12SetStep” ---> Limit(PiM od12Set,P iM od12Set)

The affine symmetry e711 induces natural transformations of all three forms:

@e711Step, @e711Set, @e711SetStep
In the case of the Power type Form PiMod12Set one has two natural choices to define @e711Set – namely to choose either the image or the pre-image of a set under @e711, but in this case both coincide because e711 is self-inverse. The same graph with two nodes and one arrow can be loaded in three other ways, namely each time with one of the three compound Forms at both nodes and the corresponding natural transformation at its

arrow. The resulting diagrams are called:

D , D , D
 Step Set SetStep

Defining the following Limit-Forms – having these Diagrams as their Coordinators – enables us to discuss Harrison’s dual network of harmonic concepts and express it in terms of suitable Denotators.

“PiM od12DualTones” - --> Limit(DT one)
 “PiM od12DualSteps” - --> Limit(DStep)
 “PiM od12DualSets” - --> Limit(DSet)
 “PiM od12DualSetSteps” - --> Limit(DSetStep)

  1. Modal Duality: Major / Minor. The initial inversion e711 has been chosen in such a way that the underlying diatonic scales of C-Major and C-Minor are exchanged. This is expressed in terms of the PiMod12DualSets-Denotator “DualScales”:
    “DualScales” : PiM od12DualSets(
  2. Agents Discharge: 7-8 / 6-5: The typical leading tone-motion 7-8 is characterized in Harrison’s system as a discharge of the Dominant agent into the

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- 412 -Enders, Bernd / Stange-Elbe, Joachim (Hrsg.): Global Village - Global Brain - Global Music