- 411 -Enders, Bernd / Stange-Elbe, Joachim (Hrsg.): Global Village - Global Brain - Global Music 
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Instead of the compound TwelveTone- o. Form one can build denotators on the basis of a Simple Form PiMod12 in Mazzola’s ontology (= “Pitch modulo 12” cf. [9], section 6.4):

“P iM od12” ---> Simple(Z12)

4.  A Music-theoretical Example

In his monograph on late romanic harmony Daniel Harrison presents the following table of dual correspondences (cf. [4], p. 27), which he calles a “dual network” of harmonic concepts:

Major Minor

7-8 6-5
Dominant Subdominant
Authentic cadence Plagal cadence
Ascending 5th semicadenceDescending 5th semicadence
Sharp Flat

We discuss this table as example for a rich structure of inheritance in a “network” of denotators, starting from a natural endomorphism of Simple Form PiMod12 and demonstrate how Limit- and Colimit constructions can suitably explain the correspondences described by Harrison. After a technical preparation we will revisit them in detail.

We consider the affine symmetry e711 : Z12 --> Z12, e711(z) := -z + 7. It induces a natural transformation @e711 : @Z12 --> @Z12 of the corresponding functor, which is the AmbientSpace of the Form PiMod12.

Now consider the following diagram DTone having two nodes loaded with the Form PiMod12 and one arrow between them loaded with @e711:


In addition, we consider the following Forms:

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- 411 -Enders, Bernd / Stange-Elbe, Joachim (Hrsg.): Global Village - Global Brain - Global Music