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 TSRPR 5 (Metrical Stability)
 In choosing the head of a time-span T, prefer a choice
 that results in more stable choice of metrical structure.

 TSRPR 6 (Prolongational Stability)
 In choosing the head of a time-span T, prefer a choice 
 that results in more stable choice of prolongational 

 TSRPR 7 (Cadential Retention)
 If the following conditions obtain in a time-span T, 
 then label the progression as a cadence and strongly 
 prefer to choose it as a head:
  i. There is an event or sequence of two events 
   (e1)e2 forming the progression for a full, half, or 
   deceptive cadence. *
    ii. The last element of this progression is at the end 
   of T or is prolonged to the end of T.
   iii. There is a larger group G containing T for which 
   the progression can function as a structural 
 TSRPR 8 (Structural Beginning)
 If for a tome-span T there is a larger group G con-
 taining T for which the head of T can function as the 
 structural beginning, then prefer as head of T an 
 event relatively close to the beginning of T (and hence 
 to the beginning of G as well).

 TSRPR 9 *
 In choosing the head of a piece, prefer the structural 
 ending to the structural beginning.

Prolongational PRWFR 1
Reduction There is a single event in the underlying grouping 
 structure of every piece that functions as prolon-
 gational head.

 An event ei can be a direct elaboration of another 
 event ej in any of the following ways:
 a. ei is a strong prolongation of ej if the roots, bass 
  notes, and melodic notes or the two events are 
 b. ei is a weak prolongation of ej if the roots of the two 
  events are identical but the bass and/or melodic 
  notes differ.  *
 c. ei is a progression to or from ej if the harmonic 
  roots of the two events are different. *

 Every event in the underlying grouping structure is 
 either the prolongational head or a re-
 cursive elaboration of the prolongational head.

 PRWFR 4 (No Crossing Branches)
 If an event ei is a direct elaboration of an event ej, 
 every event between ei and ej must be a direct elabo-
 ration of either ei, ej, or some event between them.

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