- 110 -Kietz, Nicola: Musikverstehen und Sprachverstehen 
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Anhang A.:

Liste der Regeln aus Lerdahl/Jackendoff's
A theory of tonal music  (S. 345-352)

Note: Rules marked with an asterisk are idiom-specific. We believe the rest are universal.
Any contiguous sequence of pitch-events,
 drum beats, or the like can constitute a group,
 and only contiguous sequences can constitute a

 A piece constitutes a group.

 A group may contain smaller groups.

 If a group G1 contains part of a group G2, it must 
 contain all of G2.

 If a group G1 contains a smaller group G2, then G1 
 must be exhaustively partitioned into smaller groups.

 GPR 1, alternative form
 Avoid analyses with very small groups - the smaller,
 the less preferable.

 GPR 2 (Proximity)
 Consider a sequence of four notes n1n2n3n4. All else 
 being equal, the transition n2-n3 may be heard as a 
 group boundary if
 a. (Slur/Rest) the interval of time from the end of n2
  to the beginning of n3 is greater than that from the 
  end of n1 to the beginning of n2 and that from the
  end of n3 to the beginning of n4, or if
 b. (Attack-Point) the interval of time between the 
  attack points of n2 and n3 is greater than that
  between the attack points of n1 and n2 and that
  between the attack points of n3 and n4.

GPR 3 (Change)
Consider a sequence of four notes n1n2n3n4. All else
being equal, the transition n2-n3 may be heard as a
group boundary if
a. (Register) the transition n2-n3 involves a greater
 intervallic distance than both n1-n2 and n3-n4, or

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- 110 -Kietz, Nicola: Musikverstehen und Sprachverstehen