- 408 -Enders, Bernd / Stange-Elbe, Joachim (Hrsg.): Global Village - Global Brain - Global Music 
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FS(C) – being the set of equivalence classes generated from the five graphs of the set-maps f,g,h,i,j within FS(F123) ×FS(F123). The reader may imagine chains of dominos that provide equivalences between their two ends. The dominos themselves are elements from the five graphs (x1,f(x1)), (x1,g(x1)), (x2,h(x2)), (x3,i(x3)), (x2,j(x2)) (xi  (- Ai) and can be turned into their “mirror images” as well, i.e., into (f(x1),x1), ..., (j(x2),(x2)). The three maps q1, q2 and q3 of this solution are induced by the injections ei : Ai -->FS(F123).

In order to inspect a music-theoretical example, we study a much simpler diagram M3, whose graph consists of just one node and one arrow. The node is loaded with the TwelveToneChord- o. Form and the arrow is loaded with the Minor-Third-Transposition for chords: t3{} : 2{t0,...t11}--> 2{t0,...t11}. The transposition t3{} for chords is defined by lifting the Minor-Third-Transposition for tones

t3 : {t0,...t11}--> {t0,...t11}, t3(ti) := ti+3mod12
to chords: t3{}(X) := {t3(x)| x  (- X}. For simplicity of notation, from now on, we use the same symbol t3 instead of t3{}.


The reader might try to determine its Limit and Colimit before he or she continues reading.

The diagram M3 has only one node, hence its Limit is a filter of the TwelveToneChord- o. Form. It passes exactly those TwelveToneChords which are invariant under the Minor-Third-Transposition t3. Such transposition invariant chords are known as MessiaenChords.


Concrete examples of Messiaen3Chord- o. Denotators are written as:

“Example 1.1” : M essiaen3Chord(t0,t3,t6,t9)
 “Example 1.2” : M essiaen3Chord(t0,t1,t3,t4,t6,t7,t9,t10)

The Colimit of M3 classifies those TwelveToneChord- o. Denotators as equivalent which can be transformed into one another through recursive minor-third-transposition. The resulting  o. Form can be named Trans3ChordClass.


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- 408 -Enders, Bernd / Stange-Elbe, Joachim (Hrsg.): Global Village - Global Brain - Global Music