- 405 -Enders, Bernd / Stange-Elbe, Joachim (Hrsg.): Global Village - Global Brain - Global Music 
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Another typical activity of a hermeneutician is to find out correspondences. Hence he has to be able to freely combine  o. Denotators of various  o. Forms. The corresponding  o. Form-construction is called Product. The FrameSet of such a Product- o. Form is the cartesian product of the underlying AmbientSets. The Product is a free or “unlimited” case of the Limit-type. Intervals can be described as ordered pairs of TwelveTone- o. Denotators:

“TwelveT oneP air” - --> Limit(T welveT one,TwelveTone)

As third basic operation he needs the possibility to collect any  o. Denotators of interest. The construction of Power-type  o. Forms allows the denotation of  o. Denotator collections. This construction avoids confusion between  o. Forms and  o. Denotators. The coordinator of a  o. Form G of type Power can be any another  o. Form F. Its FrameSet is supposed to be the power set of the AmbientSet of F: FS(G) = 2AS(F). One may recursively collect  o. Denotators in higher order Power-type  o. Forms, e.g.:

 “TwelveToneChord ” ---> Power(T welveTone)
 “T welveToneChordSet” ---> P ower(TwelveToneChord)

Now we continue in our heuristics. The idealized hermeneutician is specialized to find interesting objects and correspondences between them and hence – in a purely descriptive mood – he is not interested in putting limitations on the  o. Denotators themselves. He minimizes his denotative efforts to the necessary operations and is mainly involved in acts of predication. For the dogmatist it is typical that he transfers systematically occuring dependencies from the concrete to the formal level. Instead of observing dependencies between  o. Denotators – as the hermeneutician does – he formulates dependencies between  o. Forms. Dependencies between  o. Forms are suitably described in terms of  o. Form-Diagrams. Such a diagram consists of a directed graph G, whose nodes are loaded with  o. Forms and whose arrows are loaded with set-maps beween the AmbientSets of these  o. Forms. The set-maps are the carriers of formal dependencies. The figure below shows a typical abstract graph G consisting of three nodes and five arrows:


In order to complete this graph G into a  o. Form-Diagram D, consider three  o. Forms F1, F2 and F3. Let A1 = AS(F1), A2 = AS(F2) and A3 = AS(F3) be the corresponding AmbientSets. Consider further five set-maps:

f,g : A -- > A , h : A -- > A , i : A -- > A , j : A --> A .
 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 2

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- 405 -Enders, Bernd / Stange-Elbe, Joachim (Hrsg.): Global Village - Global Brain - Global Music