- 146 -Enders, Bernd / Stange-Elbe, Joachim (Hrsg.): Global Village - Global Brain - Global Music 
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musical instruments so that the production of the first Baldwin electronic organs had to wait until 1946.23
Kock (1953), op. cit., p. 53–55.

Figure 3: Rear of the first Baldwin organ (Model 5) showing tone generators (Dorf, Electronic Musical Instruments, 1959, 49).

Shortly after the United States entered the Second World War Kock left Baldwin and in 1942 joined the Bell Telephone Laboratories to pursue research applicable to military purposes, mainly on fire control radar for the Navy.24

Kock (1978), op. cit.
In 1951 he became Director of Acoustics Research at Bell and in 1955 Director of Audio and Video Research. During his years at Bell Kock was also engaged in underwater sound projects. He was a member of the Hartwell Committee for the Office of Naval Research developing technologies for anti-submarine warfare and, in a similar capacity, did advisory work for the British Admiralty.

Kock’s interest in submarine detection was one of the reasons why he left Bell and joined the Bendix Corporation in 1956. Bendix was a pioneer in sonar research and also manufactured torpedo and undersea missile control systems. In 1958 he became director and general manager of the Bendix Research Laboratory Division and was made Vice-President of Research in 1962. During his time at Bendix he participated in the development of an important anti-submarine device called ‘dunked’ sonar, in which helicopters lowered the sonar listening unit into the sea to spot enemy submarines. Kock also headed the Anti-Submarine Warfare Committee of the National Industrial Security Association. Other fields in which he became

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- 146 -Enders, Bernd / Stange-Elbe, Joachim (Hrsg.): Global Village - Global Brain - Global Music