- 141 -Enders, Bernd / Stange-Elbe, Joachim (Hrsg.): Global Village - Global Brain - Global Music 
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But it was his electric piano which he considered his greatest achievement. His brother Otto had suggested that Benjamin designed a portable piano suitable for teaching. It should be acoustically pleasing, but affordable. The outcome of Benjamin Miessner’s endeavours was essentially an acoustic piano, lacking a soundboard and having a separate electrostatic pickup for each string group. In February 1932 Miessner took part in a lecture demonstration and session in New York City on the topic ‘The new music of electrical oscillation’. At this event, organised by the New York section of the ‘American Institute of Electrical Engineers’, they were all there: Lev Termen with his ether-wave instrument, Miessner, of course, with his electric piano, and Richard H. Ranger, of whom I will speak later, with his electronic organ. Similar to his radio patents of the 1920s Miessner now began to license a major part of the piano industry. His patents were the basis of numerous electronic instruments including the ‘Electrone’, manufactured by the Kracauer Brothers, or the ‘Dynatone’ of the Ansley company. At the end of the 1930s his electric piano and other instruments proved particularly popular in dance bands.

Figure 1: Miessners electronic organ with four banks of reeds and dual electrostatic pickup (Miessner, Electronic Music, 1936, 1459).

In spite of all his promotional activities Miessner had to realise that not everything was right with his electric piano. True, it did have its admirers, but there were still a number of deficiencies to be eliminated. The long sustain time, due to

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- 141 -Enders, Bernd / Stange-Elbe, Joachim (Hrsg.): Global Village - Global Brain - Global Music